All modules and applications are now being stored in a repository, resulting in the repository structure being closely linked with the moduleID provided in the plan file. 现在,所有的模块和应用程序都被存储在一个库中,这导致了该存储库的结构同计划文件中提供的moduleID紧密地连接在一起。
Likewise, when a user deletes a message that is linked to a DAOS-enabled database, the full size of the message is removed from the mail file quota. 同样,当一个用户删除一个被链接到启用DAOS的数据库的消息时,该消息的完整大小将从邮件文件配额中移除。
These object files are linked and loaded by a file known as a linker script. 这些对象文件都是由一个称为链接器脚本的文件链接并装入的。
This will give us a frequency count of all domains linked to from the input HTML file. 这将为我们提供所有链接到输入HTML文件的域的频率计数。
With linked resources, you can now add links to files inside your project without copying the file into your workspace. 有了链接资源,您现在可以添加到项目内文件的链接,而不必将相关文件复制到您的工作空间之中。
In this example, only one C file is used, but in large systems, typically various libraries are built and finally linked to build the executable file. 在这个例子中,只有一个C文件被使用,但是在较大的系统中,通常是各种数据库被建立,最终连接到这个可执行文件中。
Linked file in the HelloWorld project HelloWorld项目中的链接文件
The resulting Project Explorer looks the same, but a small icon on the log4j.jar file indicates that the resource is linked to a physical file outside the workspace. 结果ProjectExplorer看起来是一样的,但是log4j.jar文件上一个小小的图标表明这个资源是工作空间以外的链接到一个物理层的资源。
The linked resources are actually kept in the EAR 's.project file. 这个链接的资源实际上保存在EAR的项目文件中。
Photos and office documents can be uploaded to its SkyDrive "cloud" storage and linked to, shared and viewed in a pane in the inbox without cluttering it up with a big file attachment. 用户可以将照片和办公文档上传到它的skydrive云存储中,直接链接到收件箱供友邻分享和浏览,而不必上传巨大的附件。
Create a linked table to the text file that you want to convert. 创建一个链接表并令其指向要转换的文本文件。
Linked file of variable-length record 可变长度记录的连接文件
The linked multimedia file^ 0 is unavailable. Do you want to locate it yourself? 链接多媒体文件^0无法找到。您想自己查找吗?
You can move the Visio file without affecting the link, but if you move the linked file, you must reset the path. 您可以在不影响链接的情况下移动visio文件,但如果移动链接文件,则必须重置路径。
When an object is linked, information can be updated if the source file is modified. 链接对象时,如果修改源文件,则会更新信息。
This is important because you are not prompted to do anything with local changes to a linked list when the file is saved or closed. 这一点很重要,因为在保存或关闭文件时,您不会被提示在本地更改与链接列表之间执行任何操作。
Updates all linked scripts that have changed based on file date and the script cast member's last modified date. 根据文件时间和库中的脚本成员修改时间,更新所有的改动的链接脚本。
Cannot move the linked file '% 1'. There is already an existing file with the same name. 无法移动链接的文件%1。已有一个同名文件存在。
This wizard creates tables in the current database that are linked to tables in an external file. 该向导将在已经链接到外部文件中的表的当前数据库中创建表。
PowerPoint couldn't process the linked file^ you want to continue anyway? powerpoint无法处理链接文件^1。是否仍要继续?
Once linked, you can read and write to any part of the file as if it were nothing more than just an array of unmanaged memory. 一旦连接起来,你就能读写文件的任意部分,就像它已经不再是非托管内存数组了。
To identify the exact location of the linked file by drive, folder, and file name, clear the use relative path for hyperlink check box. 如果要按驱动器、文件夹和文件名标识链接文件的具体位置,请清除“为超链接使用相对路径”复选框。
The linked object in the destination file can be updated when the source file is updated. 更新源文件时,目标文件中的链接对象也可以得到更新。
You can create a linked file. 你能产生一个被联接的文件。
Also consider that if you use "Linked to Page" it will not only create a new little blog page for the file download, it will also allow visitors to comment on it separately from the post. 同时要知道,如果你使用“链接到网页”它不仅会为下载的文件创建一个新的小的博客网页,还允许访客在文章上分开地对其讨论。
The linked file was unavailable and can't be opened. 链接的文件无法使用且无法打开。
For save as type, select the graphic file format in which you want to save the linked file. 在“保存类型”中,选择保存链接文件所要使用的图形文件格式。
Copies the modified text of a linked file back to its source 将链接文件中修改过的文字复制到它的源文件中
By this method, VHDL codes can be translated to C++ codes with the same function, and the C++ codes then can be compiled and linked with simulation kernel code to an executable file, which is the compiled simulator. 通过此方法可将VHDL源描述转化为功能等价的C++代码,并在模拟调度核心的调度下,使用顺序语句模拟出数字系统并发功能,完成编译型模拟器的构造,实现VHDL的高速模拟。
The management of graphic unit adopts the data structure of double linked list and save graphics in the form of data file. 对图元的管理则使用双向链表的结构,以数据文件的形式保存图形。